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Club Records

The Club Records are maintained by Noel Carmody.

All club records must be set in properly officiated meetings or races and must be published on Power of 10/Runbritain. First claim members can also set club records when representing their Nation, Area, County Work, Veterans' Club, etc or in an appropriate Schools', Colleges' or Universities' meeting(s). Second Claim or Higher Claim Athletes can only set club records when representing Cambridge Harriers.

Performances in short sprints and horizontal jumps which better the existing club record but were established with an illegal wind (> 2.0m/s) will not be accepted as a club record but will be noted as a windy best.

Race Walking track records can only be set in events judged in accordance with UKA/WA Technical Rule 54.


Road running records will only be accepted if achieved on certified courses.

It is the responsibility of the individual athlete to claim a club record, although this can be undertaken by a parent, coach or team manager. A new club record must be claimed before the end of the calendar year in which it was set.

To claim a club record, you MUST complete a Club Record Claim Form.


Track & Field

Track and Field Athlete
Long Jump


Masters Women (W35-W60)


Masters Women (W65+)


Senior Women


Under 20 Women


Under 17 Women


Under 15 Girls


Under 13 Girls



Masters Men (M35-M60)


Masters Men (M65+)


Senior Men


Under 20 Men


Under 17 Men


Under 15 Boys


Under 13 Boys



Women (W60+)


Women (SEN - W55)

Road Running (Still being compiled)


Men (M60+)


Men (SEN - M55)

Female Athlete
Marathon Runners
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