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2016 London Mini Marathon

Angela Coe-Sinha

Here are the Cambridge Harriers results from the London Mini Marathon.Congratulations to all those who ran.

Overall position first, London Borough Challenge position in brackets.

U13 GIRLS (246 runners) 35th (overall).(10th – London Brough Challenge) Ailbhe Barnes 18.48

U15 GIRLS (234) 52nd. (13th) Lara Atkinson 18.34 88th.(38th) Lily Newton 19.41

U17 GIRLS (228) 1st.(1st) Sabrina Sinha 16.23 81st.(30th) Annabelle Evans 19.52 89th.(37th) Molly Hawkins 20.24 137th.(85th) Tilly Cosgrove 22.14 143rd.(91st) Sophie Fenner 22.23 156th.(104th) Ciara Mitchell 23.03 166th.(114th) Tabbi Harvey-Crowe 23.38 182nd.(130th) Paige Macheath 24.11

U13 BOYS (242) 24th.(6th) Alex Macheath 17.00 81st.(32nd) Toby Evans 18.13

126th.() Ethan Fiore 20.09

U15 BOYS (233) 42nd.(6th) Tom Simpson 16.20 87th.(31st) Matthew Francis 17.24

U17 BOYS (227) 75th.(14th) Bayley Massey 16.21 79th.(18th) Tom Foster 16.30 112th.(50th) Reece Miles 17.05 125.(63rd) Aidan Williams 17.20 207th.(145th) Kieran Harmsworth 19.34


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