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3rd KYAL League Match – U13s & U15s Girls

Gill Barber

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

A joint report this month for the U13s and U15s girls 3rd KYAL league matches.  Both teams were down in numbers, but each and every athlete tried to cover as many events as possible, and on such a blazingly hot day (my phone recorded a temperature of 33˚ on the infield at one point!) much can be said about both teams and their perseverance and spirit. The high jump competition alone lasted a gruelling 2 hours and 20 mins, (which I think is possibly a record).

Thanks, as always, to everyone who jumped into events they don’t usually compete in, this is always appreciated by the club and gains valuable points for the team, it is also a fantastic opportunity to try out different events, which is never a bad thing. No photos this time, (I think the camera would probably have melted!). Quite a few new PBs were gained in the U13s team, so well done and special mention goes out to Strel for her PBs in both the 75m & 150m sprints, to Katie for PBs in both the 75m sprint and 70mh, Abigail for her PB in the 75m sprint, Orla’s PBs in the 150m and long jump, and for the U15s – Elizabeth and her PB in the 75mh, Amirat’s new PB in the High jump and Kacey’s new PB and 1st place in the long jump together with her 1st place in the high jump, she went for broke choosing to attempt the 1.60m height instead of just opting for a few centimetres for a new PB, but it will come, so so close!

The U15s girls came 4th overall and the results in order of occurrence were as follows:


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