The club fell racing season always kicks off at Box Hill and this year’s event saw seven of Cambridge’s number toe a rather muddy line in better than expected but still wet conditions last Saturday (left to right: – James McDonald, Peter Hadley, Steve Brown, Clem Dixon, Christian Poulton, Emily Meins, Alan Black).
The Running Gods stopped the rain for the duration of the race but had their bit of fun as Alan left his shoes on the train, but he borrowed Ian Marshall’s and ran in a worthy second in his M60 category. Christian also came second in his M50 grouping whilst Peter was the field oldest and only finisher in M70! Race debutant James was the first Cambridge home, another fantastic performance, with fellow debutant Emily the only Cambridge lady, enjoying her claggy encounter with this bit of Surrey. Apart from the now emasculated start, the course was its usual varied self but with a lot softer ground than is normal, so proper footwear was vital (Alan) and the stepped, steep decent to the finish line added a ‘technical’ aspect to the 7.5-mile event. All in all, not a bad little race and one to consider for those who haven’t yet done it. I think you’d like it.