It is often said that you can only beat what is put in front of you and that was indeed true for three members of the Club who participated in the British Masters 10K Road Championships on Sunday 9 April.
The race was held this year at the Cyclopark in Gravesend, a location that seem to deter a large number of potential competitors. Normally up to 500 runners across all the age groups take part in this event but on an unusually hot morning for April, there were only just over 100 starters.
Led home by Clem Dixon in 42:43, the Club won silver in the Male 55-64 age group with the other team members being Mark Cross (43:29) and Mick Ellsmore (44:15).
The first Cambridge Harrier home in the race was Dom Fiore in 39:52 whilst Martin Hawkins (46:53) and Ian Marshall (50:25) also ran.