Our annual quiz night will be held on Saturday 12th October at 7pm (questions from 7:30). Please come and join us in our newly redecorated and refurnished clubhouse (60A Glenhurst Avenue, Bexley, DA5 3QW). There will be a reasonably priced licensed bar and food will also be available (pizza). Teams are of four people and you can either come as a team or turn up on your own and find some teammates on the night, either way it is £5 per person (i.e. £20 for a team of 4). You pay on the night but so that we have some control over numbers you must register in advance. You can do that by following this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cambridge-harriers-quiz-night-tickets-61239680533
Come and have some fun and help raise money for the Club.
Any questions: clemdixon23@gmail.com