Rose Baker really has earned her selection for the England Masters team the hard way. Not many people would aim to run a fast marathon time just three weeks before they take part in the London Marathon but this is exactly the target Rose set herself.
The Manchester marathon was one of five qualifying races to earn the right to represent England in the Chester Marathon on 8th October. Rose needed to come in the top three for her age group and achieved that in a time of 3:15.59. She was not helped by the potholed course and still less impressed that the organisers decided to leave a large trip hazard (traffic cone) right on the route. Apparently it was someone’s bright idea to mark a pothole this way. Rose fell over it onto her knees which were cut and bruised quite badly(see picture).The polite version of Rose’s comment on this is that she would have rather chanced the pothole. She is, however, competitive to her fingertips so she picked herself up and carried on.
The Chester Marathon will be the inaugural event for the England Age group marathon team.