In my view there is no finer cross country race than when the Southerns come to Parliament Hill. The large field, the longer distance (15k) and the three laps of this wonderful course all add up to an event that it would be hard to improve on. And then there is the tradition: this was the 125th running of the senior men’s race, it is almost as old as Cambridge Harriers!

Entries need to be submitted weeks in advance so it is always inevitable that a few will drop out before the day but unfortunately this time various colds and injuries plus one (shotgun?) wedding cut our entry by half leaving us with just ten runners. Happily one of our non-runners, Gregg Lemos-Stein, came along with his camera and showed himself to be at least as competent a photographer as he is a runner: we have him to thank for the pictures accompanying this report. Group photos of us all standing to attention before a race are all very well but they get a bit samey after a while, action shots are much better at capturing what it is really like.

Dean Lacy started conservatively before gradually working his way up the field to finish 42nd and James MacDonald did well to squeeze into the top 200 of a strong field. Christian Poulton found the longer and tougher course to his liking and did well to finish within the hour and ahead of Tarbo Fukazawa and Peter St Amour while Warren Mills had the honour of completing the six to score team which came 48th.