The women ended this summer’s track and field season in a fine 3rd place in division 1. There were many reasons for this success, besides the natural ability and hard training of the athletes, we also enjoyed fantastic team spirit, many willing to step into different and often new events at the last minute. It’s hard getting a team to some of the tracks further away especially on a Mondays night but we manage with arranging lifts between us and the promise of a take away meal on the way home!
As a result, we all enjoyed the matches & have vowed to train hard all through the winter ready for next year.
After the first match at Bromley we were 4th team in division 1 (out of 7). We remained 4th overall after the 2nd match at Ashford where we were also 4th on the night. We were 3rd at Tonbridge and Dartford, but because of the scoring were still 4th overall. After the 5th match at Erith we moved to 3rd overall and we kept this position in the final fixture at Gillingham.

There were many excellent performances and several PBs, but it seems that the teams who win are those who manage to cover all events with fresh athletes. Each point is vital as the final points were close between teams at the end. Next year we need to make sure that all team spaces in all teams are filled. We can also involve extra athletes as non-scorers so anyone can try the experience and see if they like it.
As well as welcoming our new members this year, thanking everyone who turned up both to compete and support we add an extra thank you to the hard work and commitment of our officials which include Barry Ferguson & Pauline Boorman without whom these fixtures would not run.

Full results of all the matches are available on the SCVAC website.